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Montag, 19. November 2018

Where are we heading with the solar industry? How green is the application in some systems still?

Not a day goes by, without reading an article about a proudly built PV power plant.

Before there is a misunderstanding, first of all, every solar system is a gain, no doubt.

Every plant is a gain for mankind and the following generations, no doubt!
But, it seems to be less about the good,  than about the question "do I make a profit from the system, quickly?".
Or there is somenone proud to have "the largest", or "the most beautiful". Everything legitimate and quite comprehensible, but a little short-sighted and also technically "apparently" a little backward.
If I only take a closer look at some PV or wind power plants, I often notice that for a plant for energy generation with renewables, which "oh, sooo environmentally friendly and CO2-neutral generates electricity", hectares of forests have been cleared. And then the whole thing is proudly called "green technology".
If they had left the jungle standing, we would realize a higher profit for mankind. Apart from the fauna and flora left alive.
We absolutely need the switch from coal and nuclear energy to renewable energy sources, no question about that. But is it environmentally or nature friendly to slaughter ecosystems, for the profit with renewable energy?
Are there not enough open spaces available?

Apart from that, the question arises as to whether the technologies have remained at simple standard? If you take a look at some of the PV-power plants out there, you have to ask yourself why the available space is still being wasted, especially in view to the rapidly falling prices for the modules.
Why not convert PV-power plants, into a dual function with agriculture?
E.g. Agro-PV, solar-roofs for parking areas, roof-mounted systems as lounge areas, etc. etc.
Why not an area-optimised arrangement of the modules?

Something like that:

Besides, how environmentally friendly can it be, to clean large PV-systems in desert regions with drinking water?

Apart from that. Where are the reports on large-scale solar thermal plants? District heating systems via solar thermal, solar assisted cooling, solar assisted desalination plant... etc. etc.?